We stand for excellence, prosperity and dignity through public service. And we never quit on our communities!
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We are AFSCME Florida
From the break of dawn on Miami’s shores to well after the sun sets across Pensacola’s beaches, the hardworking men and women of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) make Florida happen. From Collier County to Clay County, the home of America’s first settlement in St. Augustine to mile marker zero in Key West, our members can be found providing the vital services to make the lives of citizens across the Sunshine State better through a shared commitment to public service. As Florida’s fastest growing union, we are a proud part of a national union that advocates for fairness in the workplace, excellence in public services and opportunity for all working families.
Featured News
AFSCME member is the proud father of a gold-medal-winning Olympian
AFSCME Florida Statement on Reorganizing Win for City of Jacksonville
Solidarity and activism help Jacksonville members win strong contract with UF Health
AFSCME Florida Statement on Recertification Win for Bay Harbor Islands
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Local 1363 Member Worksite Events
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Local 1363 Member Worksite Events
Have you noticed the AFSCME Local 1363 table at work?
Local 1363 Member Worksite Events
Have you noticed the AFSCME Local 1363 table at work?
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AFSCME National
AFSCME Council 31 report spotlights dangers of illegal drugs in Illinois’ prisons
AFSCME members rally in Tucson to sound the alarm on Project 2025
New York City lifeguard is a winner of our union’s Never Quit Service Award
Bill Lucy: Rest in Power
At ‘shred’ event, Minnesota union members sound the alarm on Project 2025
AFSCME members make America happen.
With members in hundreds of different occupations, AFSCME advocates for fairness in the workplace, excellence in public services and prosperity and opportunity for all working families.