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AFSCME Retirees determined to rebuild after Hurricane Michael

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AFSCME Florida retirees are fighters. They've spent careers providing the vital services to make the lives of citizens across the Sunshine State better and now, so many who live in Florida's panhandle are fighting to recover and rebuild after the unprecedented devastation of Hurricane Michael. "We've lost just about everything," said Patricia Byrd, a former state employee and lifelong Panama City resident, "but we will not give up. This is our home."

These braves souls have been through one of the strongest hurricanes to ever make landfall in the United States and faced it all with the grace, dignity, and spirit of mutual aid that exemplifys AFSCME members. As we reflect this holiday season, let's not forget our sisters and brothers in the Panhandle who are still putting their lives back together after this tragedy.

This week, AFSCME Florida distributed gift cards to retirees in Panama City and Marianna who have lost everything but are determined to rebuild. It will be a long hard road but these folks are tough as nails and never quit. Please hold them in your hearts. Let's make sure those in power in the incoming Florida Government do not neglect those still reeling from this natural disaster and do everything they can to mitigate the increased risk of disaster that climate change poses to our state.