SB256/HB1445 - Employee Organizations Representing Public Employees by Sen Ingoglia, by Rep Black
- Anti-union legislation
- Passed Governmental Ops Senate Subcommittee 5 Yeas, 3 Nays
- Scheduled for Senate Fiscal Policy Subcommittee on 3/16/23 13 Yeas, 7 Nays
- In House, referred to Govt Ops and State Affairs Subcommittee
- Scheduled in House on 3/16/23 in Govt Ops Subcommittee Passed 13 Yeas 5 Nays
- In State Affairs Committee in the House scheduled to be heard on 4/11/23 2pm, passed 14 Yeas. 6 Nays
- On 3rd reading in Senate, scheduled for a vote on 3/23, passed 23 yeas 17 nays
- on 2nd reading in House scheduled for 4/25/23
SB302/HB3 - Government and Corporate Activism by Sen Grall, Rep Rommel
- Would ban state FRS investment managers from issuing ESG bonds or inking contracts with rating agencies that use ESG guidelines in issuing bond permits
- ESG (environmental, social and governance) investing is used to screen investments based on corporate policies and to encourage companies to act responsibly
- Pushed by Gov to punish so called “woke investments”
- Could lead to
- House version already passed House
- Senate version placed on Special Order calendar, second reading
- Senate version substituted for House version
SB7024/HB239 - Retirement
- New amendment reinstates COLA for retirees
- Passed House as amended
- Awaiting Senate vote
- Part of overall budget conversations=
HB917/SB892 - State Minimum Wage by Rep Yeager, Sen Martin
- Created to exempt minor league baseball players for state local minimum wage laws
- Amendment was added on House version on late Friday 4/14/23, ban local counties and municipalities from mandating private contractors who get public money from having to pay a set living wage a
- Was passed Commerce Committee in House on 4/24/23
- No amendment attached on Senate version as of 4/24/23
- Senate version on 2nd reading without amendment attached to it in the House version
SB7050 - Elections by Ethics and Elections committee
- Increased voter suppression language
- Increased regulations on third party vendors registering voters
- Possible avenue for “Resign to Run” law for Gov via amendment but not yet attached
- 98 pages long
- Passed Ethics and Elections subcommittee on 4/4/23
- On Senate Fiscal Policy committee agenda on 4/20/23, passed 14 yeas, 5 nays
SB 170 - Local Ordinances by Sen Jay Trumbull
- seeks to limit local ordinances passed by creating a fiscal impact to businesses by passing of ordinance, allowing for ordinance to be stayed until after judicial process completes
- Passed Senate
- Referred to House Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee as of 3/9/23
- In messages
- On Civil Justice subcommittee in the House 3/20/23, passed committee
- On 2nd reading in House as of 3/23/23
SB 94/HB31 - Partisan Election of Members of District School Board by Sen Grueters, by Rep Roach, Sirois, Rudman
- Proposing amendment to State Constitution to require members of district school board to be elected in a partisan election
- Referred to Ethics and Elections:Education Pre K-12, Rules Committee in Senate
- Passed Senate Committee, now in Rules committee scheduled for 4/11/23, passed 14 Yeas, 6 Nays
- Placed on Special Order Calendar 4/18/23
- On 2nd reading in the House
- Passed House; referred to Rules in Senate, withdrawn from rules and placed on Senate Calendar
- Passed Senate on 2nd and 3rd reading 29 yeas, 11 nays
SB266/ HB999 - Higher Education by Sen Grall, Rep Andrade
- Banning of certain majors
- Bans Diversity, equity and inclusion programs on campuses
- Creates post tenure review process at anytime for facility and other radical changes
- Referred to Education Postsecondary: Appropriations Committee on Education: Fiscal Policy subcommittees in Senate
- Passed Senate, Education Postsecondary on 3/15/23 7 yeas,3 Nays
- Now in Appropriations Committee on Education in Senate scheduled for 4/12/23 11:30am
- In House Postsecondary Education and Workforce Subcommittee: Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee; Education and Employment Committee
- Passed House committee agenda 3/13/23 Postsecondary Education & Workforce Subcommittee & 7 yays, 3 Nays
- Now in Education and Employment Committee in House, scheduled on 4/19/23, passed 15 yeas, 5 nays
- In Fiscal Policy subcommittee in Senate, 4/20/23, passed 14 yeas, 6 nays
- Placed on Calendar on 2nd reading in Senate and House as of 4/24/23 and 4/21/23
HB1/ SB202 - School Choice pushed by House Leadership, SB202 K-12 Education, by Sen Simon
- Revises provisions allowing for the expansion of school vouchers, leading to increased funding leaving the Public Education system
- Referred to House Choice and Innovation Subcommittee, Pre K-12 appropriations subcommittee, Education Employment Committee, Education Quality Subcommittee
- Favorable in House Education Quality Subcommittee: 13 Yeas, 3 Nays
- Read Third time in House Passed (83 Yeas, 27 Nays)
- In Messages and referred to Senate Appropriations
- Favorable in Senate Appropriations Committee on Education 12 yeas, 6 Nays
- Passed 2nd and 3rd reading, passed by House
- Signed into law by Governor
HB543/SB150 - Public Safety by House Leadership, by Sen Collins in Senate
- Allows for permitless carry
- Huge priority of Gov and House leadership
- Passed House, sent to Fiscal Policy in Senate, passed Fiscal Policy in Senate
- Passed Senate on 3/30/23
- Signed by Governor on 4/3/23
SB1718/HB1617 - Immigration by Sen Ingoglia, by Rep Michael in the House
- Most anti-immigrant legislation filed at the state level
- Makes it a 3rd degree felony to house an undocumented immigrant, expands E-verify, violates HIPPA by mandating healthcare providers to disclose immigration status
- Referred to subcommittees in House and Senate
- Passed Rules Committee in Senate, 15 yeas, 5 Nays
- Now in Senate Fiscal Policy subcommittee, on agenda on 4/25/23 10am
- Passed House Commerce committee on 4/24/23
SB 300/HB7 - Abortion (Pregnancy and Parent Support) by Sen Grall and Reps Persons-Mulicka in House
- 6 week abortion ban
- Referred to Healthcare Regulation Subcommittee: Health and Human Services Committee
- Now in Healthcare Regulation subcommittee in House
- In Senate Health Policy, Fiscal Policy
- In House Healthcare Regulations Subcommittee as of 3/9/23
- On Senate Committee agenda in Health Policy, 3/20/23, Passed
- On Fiscal Policy agenda in Senate for 3/28/23, Passed
- On Floor for Senate vote on 4/3/23, Passed
- On 2nd reading in the House
- Passed House
- Signed into law by Gov on 4/13/23
SB102- Housing, by Sen Alexis Calatydud
- banning rent control ordinances locally
- Voted favorable by Senate Community Affairs (9 yas, 0 nays)
- Passed Senate
- Favorable in State Affairs House Committee 18 yeas, 3 Nays
- Now in Ways and Means Committee as of 3/10/23; scheduled to be heard on 3/20/23, substituted for SB 102, read 2nd time in House, passed
- Signed by Governor on 3/23/23
SB 1112/HB 733 - Middle and High School Start Times by Rep Temple
- Proposed moving all start times to 8:30am and after
- Passed House on 3/31/23
- Referred to Fiscal Policy in the Senate, passed 15 Yeas. 2 Nays
- Placed on 2nd reading as of 4/21/23
HB 1331/SB1380 - Municipal Utilities by Rep Busatta-Cabrera, Sen Martin
- Capping what municipal owned utilities can give to municipal governments
- Pathway to privatization for municipal owned utilities
- Passed Energy, Communications and Cybersecurity subcommittee, passed on 3/21/23
- Now in House Commerce Committee as of 3/23/23
- No movement in Senate
- Possibly dead