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Message To 2941 HES Facilities Management Members

Nat Bender
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Statement from AFSCME Florida Jacksonville office: 

Regarding the negotiated 6% Pass-Along Wage Increase negotiated between AFSCME and the Duval County School Board (Not HES): There was a mix-up in HES sending out payments to the bargaining unit employees. HES had the amounts incorrect so they reversed the payments. The payments were posted a few days in advance of the deposit so no one should have received any negative or insufficient activities because of the deposit. If anyone did, they need to contact the AFSCME Jacksonville office (904) 356-4888. This correction should take place next week, according to the company. 

Regarding the Grievance won by AFSCME (Your Union) on your loss of hire dates and other benefits: once we get the 6% retro pay matter cleared up, we will be calculating the backpay and loss of benefits for the unit members dating back to July 1, 2021. This will include past and present unit members. We will be sending out a notice for  a special meeting in the days to come to discuss in detail this grievance win and how it affects you all and it is important that each and every one of you become members of our union by completing this secure online form.

For more information: Florida School Custodians to Receive Shortchanged Pay, Arbitrator Rules